Long-term missionary and interim Director Kelly Moore shares today’s story.
I am reading an autobiography of George Müller, a German preacher from early 1800s that ran an orphanage in England. He lived without an income, relying solely on God to nudge the hearts of others to give, and his autobiography dates all the answered prayers and provision. It’s simply amazing to see the simplicity of his faith. He believed that by not telling others the needs of the ministry He would be able to know that each answered prayer was from God alone. He prayed, he believed, he practiced integrity and God provided. God challenged him more and more by giving just in time or even a few days past worldly deadlines, but He always provided. He called many to a new level of faith and trust in God by being involved in ministry.
I want to be more like George Müller because of his childlike faith and how he recorded all of the stories of provision. The more I think about being more like him, the more I realize I have stories just like his to tell. Stories of how God has provided here at this home time and time again. Maybe I have not recognized them or have not made a big enough deal out of them, but they have happened. And I want to say that my faith has increased and I watch and believe more and more that God will always provide for his children, especially orphans.
Being more like George means getting up a LOT earlier… he believes that one should have 6-7 hours of sleep and rise as soon as you first open your eyes and realize you are awake, not allowing yourself to sleep another minute, because you were bought by the precious blood of Christ and you should not waste another minute of your life. This will give one enough time for prayer in the early morn. He also doesn’t believe that the needs of the ministry should be told but to rely on God to place those needs on the hearts of others. It’s not a concept I’m familiar with because many people ask us what we need and we have lists of things that we can pass out. He also left dated entries of the many times he prayed for needs and received them so I think I’ll start with that.
February 14th. A woman named Alma brought a cake to the home for the kids on Valentine’s Day. We met this woman a month ago when she brought groceries to our home. Since that day we have been able to cut our grocery bill 50% saving hundreds of dollars. Today we gave her a photo of all the kids with little hearts as a small token of gratitude. She asked for a list of birthdays and when she realized that one of our children will turn 15, the coming of age for a latin girl, she offered to do all the girls hair and make up for her quinceanera party! We never had to ask her for a thing, God just warmed her heart to want to give. God keeps providing for us in numerous ways through the generosity of so many people. Glory!
February 28th.
Alma sent a trunk load of clothing donations and toys. The clothes were so nice and we were able to switch out old and worn out clothes for many kids. The toys have been a huge blessing! We keep them in a toy box and bring them out when everyone wants to play. The kids are entertained for hours with these new toys.
March 11th. Every 15 days we receive a wire transfer from our non-profit organization in the US. They channel the funds they receive to us in order to pay our expenses such as salaries, utilities, groceries, gas, etc. The past two transfers have been half of what our expenses are. After paying our bills with the money from Thursday, we will not have enough to pay salaries on Tuesday. In November I blogged about how I got so worried about expenses but over the past few months I have practiced a different attitude….a faith like George Müller. On Friday morning I climbed up to the Puerta del Diablo and had a conversation with God. I told him, with a smile on my face, that I knew he would work things out and I was going to sit back and wait to see who he used and how he was going to provide for this ministry. I have felt peace through these past few transfers knowing that no matter what we receive, God will always provide. Well, a day later, the team that was staying with us decided to give an incredibly generous donation. One that included enough money to pay our wages for Tuesday and supply groceries, gas and other daily expenses for the following week. They also designated funds for Rachel and the missionaries. It was so nice for them to think of us!!! I never cease to be amazed by how God works out his plan. I love telling his stories. It would bring more stability if I knew we’d always get our needed amount in transfers but for now, the not-knowing and leaving it up to God to supplement the difference is just so satisfying, sweet and a wild ride. I’ll take that. He.is.for.real!
March 24th. Today my heart is melted. I am watching the hand of God move and it makes me melt. For the last few weeks I have been praying with our kids during our morning devotionals about our finances. We pray that God would touch the hearts of others and that those hearts would respond to His calling. We also thank Him in advance for His provision. Last weekend our friend Alma brought groceries which were enough to last us 6 days of food. Today (on our last day of food) another group “El Camino” came with groceries and much more! Not only brought groceries but they also brought take-out pizza for lunch, clowns, skits, dramas, games, gifts, pinatas and prayer time. They stayed for hours playing, encouraging and teaching the kids. The coolest part was hearing a child remark, “Look! This is answer to prayer!” I am so grateful to God to watch Him be so faithful to His children as we experience a huge decline in our funds but so many rich stories that increase our faith.

God is completely holding this home together and providing for our every need. A few days ago, we were also blessed by a donation from the Obama campaign when they decided to leave El Salvador a few hours early and gave away their lunch to local children’s homes. God used even the President of the United States to show us how he provides.

April 1st. No joke! One of the twins came bustling down the steps after school today bent over with a huge garbage bag of clothing (as if he were Santa!). A classmate’s mother was moved to donate them to our home. The group who visited us last week stopped by again and today they dropped off some of the load that they couldn’t fit in their car last week, about 20 boxes of cereal, several pairs of shoes and a monetary donation. Rachel and I jumped up and down after they left. And then we decided we should have done that in front of them :). They said they want to come again in April. Wow!!! Friends of mine who personally sponsor me caught wind of our need and rallied family and friends to give. A friend of theirs named Andrew, not even someone I know, started gathering donations and collected about $300 for us. I feel joy, trust and love when I see God use the body of Christ to be the hands and feet of His ministry.
So I urge you, to ask God how He is speaking to you? Is he nudging you to act out in faith somehow, someway? In my human efforts, I could carry on a marketing campaign to encourage the whole world to sponsor a child at Love and Hope Children’s Home. However, I can best pour my efforts into prayer and watch myself, the children here and others who give grow in their love, faith and trust in Jesus Christ. So when asked, “what’s on your needs list?” I like to respond, “Spend time in prayer asking God how He might use you.” And then we see incredible answers!