Teacher of Love

Over the last few days several of our kids have been sick.?? All day yesterday Brenda was in bed with a fever and the flu.?? I had Brenda sleep in my room so I could take care of her through the night.?? Since Brenda and Linda share a room Linda slept in my house too with the girls that sleep in the room next to me.?? Before going to sleep we read a story and prayed together.?? Linda told me she wanted to talk to me about something on her bed.?? I laid down beside her and she said, ???I feel a drop in my heart.?? I feel very sad.????? I asked her, ???is it like a tear drop?????? And she said yes.?? I asked her why she felt sad and she explained that it was because Brenda was sick and Brenda always does nice things for her and helps her to do things and now that Brenda was sick there was nothing she could do to help her.?? I asked what the one thing we could do for Brenda was and she said ???pray for her.????? Earlier that day Aly had asked if we could pray for Brenda and Linda had prayed with us.?? I reminded Linda that we had prayed for Brenda a couple of times and that she could pray for her again if she wanted.?? I told her that in the morning she could clean up Brenda???s stuff in their room and leave a note for her on Brenda???s bed to show her that she loves her.?? I asked her to go get me Brenda???s medicine and I think she was thrilled to even help in that way.?? She called me over to her bed again and said ???when I came back from getting Brenda???s medicine I told her that I loved her.????? This morning she wrote Brenda a note and asked me to give it to her. Here is what it said, ???For: Brenda, From: Linda.?? Hi Brenda.?? I am sorry that you???re sick.?? God is going to help you to be healed.?? I love you so much.?? You???re my best friend.?? You???re beautiful.?? I hope you can eat.?? I hope that you can be my friend and that we don???t fight and that you know that I love you with my whole heart.?? Don???t feel sad because you???re alone.?? God is with you.?? You have a beautiful face.?? I want to help you but I can???t.?? I don???t want to hurt your heart or your feelings.?? I love you Brenda.?? I love you so much.????? Last night I was reading No greater Love which is a book of reflections of Mother Theresa.?? She was talking about a crippled boy that she met in Venezuela.?? When she asked the mother the child???s name she said ???we call him teacher of love because he keeps on teaching us how to love.?? Everything we do for him is our love for God in action.????? I am so grateful for Linda, and all the other ???teachers of love??? that I am surrounded by.

Hail in Nejapa

    One of the kids’ favorite things to do is to play in the rain.  We have a rule that they can play until it starts to thunder and lightning, which is what happened today.  Soon after they came inside it started to hail!  I couldn’t believe it.  It was the first time I had ever seen hail in El Salvador.  The kids were pretty amazed by ice falling from the sky!  Daniela and Michelle went back out into the rain to collect hail for the other kids to hold it in their hands.



We are still enjoying the last month or so of mango season! We have this really long pole with a little basket attached to it that is used to pull the mangos from the tree and then you lower them to the ground in the basket. They are so good! The picture with Jeremiah holding a mango is probably the biggest one I’ve seen here at Love and Hope. The kids love the mangos so much. By the afternoon most of their shirts are covered in mango juice! The avocados are also in season and the kids love to eat them with Tortillas and salt.



    This morning in devotions we read about when Jesus was taken before Pilate.  We talked about the humiliation Jesus had to go through.  To many people Jesus probably looked like a crazy man.  The mocked him as “king of the Jews.”  I was thinking about this on the way to school with the kids.  How people today still think it’s crazy to believe in this Jesus.  I don’t want to children at Love and Hope to believe just because it is what they were taught.  I want them to believe because they have an intimate relationship with Jesus and conviction in their hearts.  Our van has bench seats and in the first row next to me as I drove was Shelby, Joselyn and Leo.  I wanted to get a feel as to how personal their conviction is, so I asked them a question.  “So do you guys really believe that this Jesus really existed and that what the Bible says about Him is true?”  I asked as if I myself was doubting.  “Si” they all three said together.  I asked why?  What makes you so sure?  Because we know that the person Jesus really existed.  I asked “But what if it’s all made up?”  “No, because he died to save us.”  I again questioned them, “Do you believe that just because that’s what you’ve been told?”  Joselyn spoke up first, “No, I believe it because of His creation.  God has to be the creator of this world.”  Then Shelby said “I know that Jesus came and died for our sins, because he loves us.”  Leo said “there’s no way this world was an accident.”  I asked them again, “So you guys really believe in Jesus?”  Again, they all said “yes.”  Then I told them confidently “So do I.”  Please continue to pray for all our children, that Jesus will be more and more real to them every day.
    Thanks to all of those who remembered Kevin’s 7th birthday.  It was a fun day yesterday.  He got some puppets, a music box and a new outfit.  And some of the best cake I’ve ever had (thanks to Alyssa Miller!).
    Well, I’m off to ISNA (El Salvador’s Children’s protective Services) and then to get back early to spend the afternoon with the kids. 



This morning during devotions there was a very short, but very strong tremor.?? The kids were sure that it was Ben running down the stairs.?? I assured them that even though Ben is a big guy, he couldn???t make the whole house shake=)


I probably get asked three or four times a day by different kids “cuando voy a cumplir?”?? “When is it going to be my birthday?”?? The kids love their birthday.?? In a family of 28, having a special day just for you means a lot to them.?? We celebrate by having a little birthday party after dinner.?? They get a new toy and a new outfit.?? Every month we take out the kids who’ve had a birthday and they get to invite one guest to go with them.?? Usually the kids pick their siblings.?? This week we’ve celebrated four birthdays!?? Daniel turned four on Sunday and??Tuesday was Eliseo, Esau and Jacobo’s birthday (they don’t seem to mind sharing their special day).?? They each got their own cake and we sang happy birthday three times.?? Tia Ana, one of the care givers who has been with us for several years now, had the twins bedroom decorated with balloons when they got home from school.?? ?????? Kevin was in the hospital again for a few days because his hemoglobin was low.?? He is back at home now and is doing fine.?? Please keep his adoption in your prayers.?? In a few days Angie Gruss is coming down for several weeks.????Angie is an RN and we are so excited for her to come and work with Kevin.??
?????? Thanks again for all your love and support.?? If you ever want to send the children a birthday card or just a note to say hello, our mailing address is:
Ministerio Amor y Esperanza
P.O. Box #10 Correos de El Salvador Sucursal Galerias Escalon
2ndo Nivel
San Salvador, El Salvador


Spring Break

The kids have had the whole week off of school.?? This week (holy week) is like their spring break.?? We went to the park for a few hours on Wednesday and the kids got to go up the mountain (the one right behind Love and Hope) yesterday.?? Today we went to see Alice in Wonderland with the fifteen oldest kids and now they are all over the cafeteria floor having a pijama party=)?? We’re looking forward to celebrating Easter on Sunday.?? I have about 300 plastic eggs to put candy in for an easter egg hunt:)


Kevin is home

Last night Kevin was released from the hospital and is doing well.  I am keeping him in my apartment with me so that I can keep a close eye on him for a few days.  He still seems a little weak, but is definitely improving.  This morning while I was feeding him breakfast he was smiling and, as always, trying to grab the spoon and stick his fingers in his food=) I am so thankful for this time that I have with Kevin.  He somehow brings peace into my hectic day.  I think when I am with him and I watch him take his time to swallow his food or scratch his little nose, it reminds me to relax and take the day one moment at a time.  It’s so easy to rush through our day trying to get as much done as possible and God wants us to be productive, right?  I think God does want us to be productive (Prov. 6:6-11), but as we complete these tasks throughout the day, we have to remember that it’s not about what we are doing, but with what attitude we are doing it.  We can use all these tasks as worship to God if we are doing it through Him (Romans 12:1).  Am I glorifying God in my work?  In my family?  In my ministry?  So, this is what Kevin taught me this morning.  Thanks for all your prayers.  God definitely has his hand on Kevin’s life.  We are trying to come up with a plan so that he can receive more one on one care.  As many of you know Dan and Christine Boyle are in the long process of adopting Kevin.  They are an amazing couple who love Kevin so much.  Please pray for this process as we really have no time frame as to when it may be finalized.  Pray for Kevin, pray for the Boyle’s, and pray for the Love and Hope family as we all wait and prepare for Kevin’s adoption.  This picture was taken on Saturday at the hospital and the other one was taken this morning during breakfast.


March 20th

Jacobo & Esau with Daisy

On Tuesday the 19th little Kevin went into the hospital again with Pneumonia.  Because of the outbreak of Dengue in the country, Bloom, the children’s hospital was full and Kevin was sent to Zacamil, another hospital in San Salvador.  He came home on Wednesday (17th) after 8 days of treatment.  He usually comes home from the hospital feeling great, but this time was different.  He had actually lost almost 3 lbs. in the hospital!  3 lbs. is a lot when you only weigh 15 lbs.  He had a test done yesterday that required him to go almost 8 hours without eating and last night he was not doing well.  We decided to take him back to the hospital last night around 10:00 p.m. and he was again sent to Zacamil hospital because Bloom is still completely full.  I was with him this morning for a few hours and he looks a bit better, but I am still concerned.  Please Pray for Kevin’s health and that we would have the resources to get him the best medical attention available.  I am heading back to the hospital in a couple of hours; I will try to keep everyone posted on how he is doing.

Leodina was chosen along with 2 other girls from her class to participate in an English spelling bee with students from several other Christian bilingual schools in El Salvador.  They were practicing twice a week after school for about a month and the competition was yesterday.  She was very nervous….Her first word was “parents” and she got out on the second round with the word “dropped.”  I felt so proud of her just for having been chosen to participate! 

It finally happened….a piñata injury!  Raquel got hit in the nose on Wednesday night while Kevin was whacking the piñata.  We took her to the hospital and she got x-rays taken.  Luckily it was not broken, but it is very bruised and swollen.  She was happy to miss a couple days of school=)

This week is Joselyn and Shelby’s birthdays. I can’t believe Joselyn will be 14 years old!  I was 14 when I came on my first mission trip down here, and now one of our kids is that age!  They are growing up so fast!

Well, the power is out and I need to post this before the battery on my computer runs out!  I am excited to be more in touch with you all through this blog!  Thank you all so much for your continued prayer and support!  Whenever I feel discouraged I remind myself that I have an army of prayer warriors fighting for us back in the states!  Keep it up!  We love you all!
