What’s Been Happening: October

Below is a revised version of our monthly report for October. A lot has been happening at Love & Hope Children’s Home:



Nine of the children took admission tests on October 20th to enroll in a new school, Colegio Luz de Israel, for the 2013 school year. Colegio Luz de Israel is located in San Salvador and located on the same property as the Baptist church our children attend every Sunday. They will be enrolling in a summer course at the school during November and December to get ready for the curriculum.

The children who attended Colegio Liceo del Salvador finished their final exams on October 31st.

The leadership and administration at the home has begun preparing for the coming school year by soliciting donations for supplies, shoes, and book bags from several contacts in the United States. In early November, we will begin the registration process.


Children’s Day is October 1st every year. A contact we made through Focus brought a group from a church in San Salvador to Love & Hope for a Children’s Day party.

The children ran in Parque Balboa on October 6th to show solidarity with those that ran in CINCOKILOMETRO! on October 13th. Focus, a call center run by our friends Ben and Delena, provided prizes for the winners and lunch after the race. Ben and Delena and their two boys also ran with the Love & Hope kids.

On October 20th Andrew and Kristina Berger treated the home to a beach day. We also enjoyed a pupusa dinner compliments of Santa Lunardi.

We enjoyed the fun of trick-or-treating on October 21st. The kids dressed in funny costumes and ran from door to door of the home (inside), knocking on the doors and saying “Trick-or-treat!” Everyone had a lot of fun!

The staff at Love & Hope put on an additional Children’s Day party for the kids on October 25th. All of the caregivers stayed for the whole day, cooked lunch, paid for cake, ice cream, and the like. Our two male caregiver even dressed up like clowns.

Bobby and Britney Hibbs have taken Osiel into their home. Osiel will continue to attend the same school in the afternoons for the remainder of the year. We are so glad that he has found a home with such a God-fearing and loving couple and enjoy seeing him every week at the Union Church of San Salvador.

One of the highlights of every week is going to the Platanillo Community. It has been fun to see our kids take such an active role, preparing the food that will be passed out and helping with the English class and Sunday School. A couple of the older girls ask to go every week, and take pride in some of the relationships they have formed with the children in the community.

Rob and Sarah, friends of ours from the Union Church of San Salvador, have sought to be more involved at Love & Hope by taking a few of our children on an outing every Saturday. We are excited for the kids to get a special day out every so often. We are also excited that the children will be able to spend time with an obviously loving, committed, and successful married couple.

Jocelyn and Brenda ran a 5k for breast cancer research called “Juntos por la Cura” with American volunteers on Sunday, October 28. They both finished the race and said they enjoyed it.

Michelle, Jocelyn and Brenda have started attending youth group at the Union Church of San Salvador. The Union Church is an English speaking church that the missionaries here attend every Sunday. The girls seem to like it and we are glad that they will have the opportunity to make new friends, be independent, and practice their English.

Leodina, Kevin and Moises celebrated birthdays. Leodina will have a more formal birthday dinner on November 10th to celebrate her 15th birthday, or quinceañera.



We are grateful to Golden Acres Baptist Church in Texas for the garage sale that raised $2500 that was donated to Love & Hope Children’s Home.

St. Mark Lutheran Church in Chesterland, Ohio collected about $1700 for tuition. We needed almost exactly $1700 to finish out the 2012 school year.


The first-ever ¡CINCOKILOMETRO! 5k race brought in about $1700 for the general operating fund. There were 120 participants and another race has already been scheduled for next year.

Gary Klubnik, Justin Klubnik and Phil Miller will be climbing the Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador on November 16th. They are attempting to raise $19,000 for the education fund at Love & Hope, covering tuition for the coming school year.

Visitors and Volunteers

A group from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints came and threw a Children’s Day party on the 13th.

Kathy Sanson and Andrew, Kristina and Eli Berger came toward the end of the month. The Bergers spend a lot of time with the kids, taking them on outing and doing activities at the house. Kathy will be at Love & Hope until mid November.

Ann Paradis, Jodi Paradis and Brittany Waickman came on October 23rd to stay several weeks. They will be covering childcare shifts when our caregivers are not available and completing projects around the house.

Prayer Requests

1.Spiritual mentors for the older kids

2.Financial provision and success in fundraising efforts

3.The adoptions of Kevincito (by Dan and Christine Boyle) and Antonio (by Kelly Moore)

4.Protection for children who have been returned to their biological family 


Juntos por la Cura

Running our “5k” at Parque Balboa on October 6th got us all fired up over running. We decided to look into something a little more official and we found it! Last Sunday morning, some of us woke up bright and early to run in “Juntos por la Cura,” a 5 or 10 kilometer race that benefits breast cancer research.

We each had a button to write the name of a person we were running “for.” Allison, one of our supporters, is a breast cancer survivor. We were so happy to show Allison how thankful we are for her life and friendship through “Juntos por la Cura.”


There were so many people at the race and great views of the volcano at certain points. 


We were very proud of the two Love & Hope girls that joined us for the race. They did a great job, had great attitudes and both said they enjoyed the experience. We can’t wait for the next race! 


Trick or Treat!

Last week, we had our own version of trick or treating here at Love & Hope. All of kids dressed up and the adults hid inside the rooms. The kids were instructed to knock on each door and say “trick or treat!” It sounded more like, “chink a ching!” Regardless of pronunciation, they recieved a piece of candy at each room.

A couple of princesses and a singer were there for the occasion.


Sebastian, Prince Eric, Ariel and Flounder came. 


We also hosted a giraffe, a workman, and a surfer. 


We got a little nervous when the ninjas and pirate showed up, but they turned out to be really friendly.


The clown really made us all smile!


Trick or treat! 


Even the tios tried to get in on the fun. No costume, no candy, Tio.


Trick or treating was a lot of fun!



¿Puedo ir a la comunidad?

One of our favorite things to do here at Love & Hope Children’s Home is go to the Platanillo community in Quezaltepeque. Rachel has been ministering to the people there for over seven years, taking food and clothing and doing Sunday School with the little ones. 

It’s not just the missionaries that love going to the Community; the kids like to go too. On Saturday mornings the “regulars” like to gaurantee their spot in the car that will be going to Platanillo in the afternoon:

“¿Vas a ir a la comunidad? ¿Puedo ir?”

“Are you going to the community? Can I go?”

Saturday mornings we prepare everything we need and pack the food we will hand out in Platanillo.


Some of us help by watching movies.


We leave Love & Hope at 2:00, stop at the gas station to go to the bathroom at 2:30, and usually arrive in Platanillo by 3:15. Kirsten starts English class right away. The Love & Hope kids are always very helpful, lending their English skills for the benefit of the beginners that come every week.  

At 4:00, Rachel takes over for Sunday School. We sing songs, Rachel gives a Bible lesson, then everyone settles down to color their page for the week. The Love & Hope kids are always eager to hand out the coloring pages, crayons and lap desks to the children in attendance. They sit down and chat with their friends or help the toddlers finish their coloring. When everyone finishes, they also help pass out a snack. 

Around 5:00, we pass out food to the adults and children in attendance. Everyone recieves several bags of rice and whatever other food we have a surplus of at the house. The Love & Hope kids love being the ones to hand the food!


Going to Platanillo every week is a great family activity for us. It is such a blessing to see our kids so wiling to serve God by serving others!    


On October 6th, the Love & Hope kids ran a symbolic race at Parque Balboa in Los Planes de Renderos, El Salvador. We ran to show our solidarity with and gratitude for those entered in the first ¡cincokilometro! 5k race in Ohio to benefit Love & Hope Children’s Home. We had so much fun!  

We put on our running bibs, drove down to the park and made our way to the starting line. Everyone was excited, but some took it more seriously than others. 


When Rachel said “Go!” everyone took off sprinting. The adults had to run to catch up to the little ones!


Even a few of our caregivers and friends ran with us.


Some of us enjoyed the run by not running.


We brought along a roll of crepe paper for the start and finish. The little ones loved setting up the finish line for the older kids over and over again.


We made sure to stay hydrated. 


At the end, three people from each age group received first, second and third place. The first place winners won gift certificates!


After the race we relaxed and had lunch. All in all it was a great run and a great morning!


The following Saturday, October 13th, 70 runners and 50 walkers gathered at Wiegand’s Lake Park in Ohio for the first ¡cincokilometro! 5k run and 1k walk. 


It was 33 degrees farenheit with hazy sunshine at the starting line of a trail that had never been run before. In fact, the northern portion of the trail was created especially by the Wiegand’s Lake Park staff for ¡cincokilometro! 


After leaving the starting line, the runners encountered meadows, trails, foot bridges, rolling hills, and colorful forests with the leaves of Geauga County, Ohio at their peak. The runners enjoyed the brand-new course for its difficulty and beauty. 


Nick Billock of Rootstown, Ohio was the first champion, establishing the course record at a fast (for a trail run) 22 minutes and 30 seconds!


After the race, Kelly Moore had a few moments to share with the runners and walkers about the ministry of Love & Hope Children’s Home. Meanwhile, those who came out for the race were provided with hot food and snacks by the Wiegand’s Lake staff.   


The top three men and top three women finishers received winners certificates and a pound of Salvadoran coffee! 


Next year’s race has already been scheduled for October 12th, 2013 at Wiegand’s Lake Park in Novelty, Ohio! 

Thank you to Mark Zimmerman for organizing ¡cincokilometro!, Wendy Wiegand and family for donating their facilities to the event (seen below with a running bib signed by the Love & Hope kids), and the AME International advisory board for donating their time to volunteer at the race! Over $2000 was raised for Love & Hope Children’s Home!



Motorcycle Ride

On September 23rd in Brecksville, Ohio about ten bikers joined together for the “First Annual Motorcycle Ride for Love & Hope Children’s Home.” Despite the cold weather and periods of rain, about 10 bikers and lots of family and friends rallied together for both a motorcycle ride and dinner presentation. In all, about 40 people enjoyed motorcycles, terrific food, and a presentation about Love & Hope. 

Sincere thanks goes out the hosts, Tim and Cindy Smith. It was Tim’s vision to put on the event, and he did a great job of organizing the riders, while Cindy put out a spread that was delectable.

In total, over $1,100 was raised and one new additional child sponsor was made. Praise God! We are so appreciative of the overwhelming financial generosity and the giving of people’s time to attend this first annual ride. As always, it is so encouraging to see people coming out to support Love & Hope or to hear about it for the first time! 


Children’s Day

Monday, October 1st was Children’s Day here in El Salvador. The kids looked forward to special days at school full of parties, games, sugar, and crazy hats.



We enjoyed a special breakfast Monday morning: waffles with whipped cream and chocolate syrup!


For dinner, Mandy made baked chicken and V, our cook, made french fries. We enjoyed them with all the toppings!


Wednesday evening, our local board joined us for dinner. We had pupusas with loroco. They were delicious and we enjoyed some fun fellowship!


Happy Children’s Day!

“Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’” – Matthew 19:13-14

Feliz Dia de Independencia!

Last Saturday, September 15th, was Independence Day here in El Salvador (and in Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua). For the last two weeks, the kids have been coming home from school asking for blue and white balloons, paper, traditional dresses, white gloves and sashes to use in their schools’ desfiles, or parades. 

CEFAS put on a great presentation, complete with the national anthem and traditional music and dancing:


On Saturday morning, the older kids had the opportunity to go to the parade at the stadium. The younger ones stayed closer to home and watched the local parade in Parque Balboa. Everyone was really excited, and very patient waiting for the parade to reach us.


Someone was really excited about his new shades and they came in handy. It was sunny!


Finally the parade started. It included a marching band and dancers from the local public school. The kids really seemed to like the drums and the beautiful traditional dress.


Even the little guys were all dressed and made-up for the occasion.


The parade ended on the soccer field where all the students and the band lined up for the national anthem.


Saturday evening, we had a party with a special dinner and a movie. The boys were incharge of decorations and did a wonderful job.


Everyone enjoyed the special food and treats.


All that sugar made some of the kids a little silly and we all had a few good laughs (see video).


[wpvideo hV1KgSFw]

Then we settled in for a movie and family bonding.


It was rough getting up Sunday morning; we stayed up pretty late! Sunday evening the festivities ended with one of the girls dressing up for church. Doesn’t she look bonita?


Happy Independence Day, El Salvador! Feliz Dia de Independencia, El Salvador!

Club Activo 20-30

Club Activo 20-30 San Salvador #442 has been visiting us at Love & Hope Children’s Home for the last few years, bringing food donations and putting on parties for the kids. Last Wednesday afternoon they visited us up in Los Planes with all the fixins’ for a great party. The kids enjoyed games, prizes, dancing, piñatas and a clown. We ate the cake the club brought for us for the next two days; it was delicious (and big)!


Club Activo 20-30 also brought us a whole table of groceries and other household items. Some of them couldn’t have come at a better time; we were fresh out of laundry detergent, and they brought us a giant bag! Thank you Club Activo 20-30 San Salvador #442 for your consistent support of Love & Hope Children’s Home. We had so much fun!
