Agape Christian Academy Team

Russ and Sue Gifford of Agape Christian Academy in Troy, Ohio visited Love & Hope Children’s Home on a “vision trip” in 2012. While here and upon returning home, they began exploring the idea of sending their 11th and 12th grade students on a mission trip to Love & Hope. This past April, Mrs. Gifford, along with two teachers, returned to El Salvador with a group of seven high school students.


Leading up to the trip, students from Agape and the Love & Hope kids exchanged pen pal lettersseveral times. This was a great way to build relationships and introduce our children to some of the students that would come in April. We have had pen pals in the past, but knowing that their new friends would actually be visiting El Salvador made it all more exciting. “When you come, we will go to the park!” “I can’t wait to meet you!” “Do you like to play video games?” “Do you like soccer?”

Upon arriving in El Salvador on April 4th, the Agape students did a great job of jumping in and getting to know our kids right away. We (the staff) were so impressed by the willingness and enthusiasm of the Agape students! Unknowingly, they became great, positive role models for the Love & Hope kids. It isn’t often that we get visitors so close in age to our own children, so it was awesome to see our kids respond to and interact with their brothers and sisters in Christ from Ohio.


The Agape students and faculty took the time to write a few words about their time here. Here is some of what they had to say:

“Being with the children in El Salvador has left me with a desire to become a missionary.”

“God really worked on the hearts of the team that went and helped me to see the calling He has in my life.”

“To see the thankfulness on people’s faces when receiving a simple gift of dry rice reminded me of how much God has blessed us with that we often take for granted.”

“Rachel Sanson, who founded the home and runs it, shared with me that it was great for the Love & Hope children to see ‘cool, young people who love the Lord.’”

“While I was gone God also showed me how blessed I am. Now I can tell others about everything I experienced and about what God has done for me.”

“So often we go on mission trips thinking we will be a blessing to those we minister to; instead we find ourselves on the receiving end of blessing beyond measure.”


The Agape team blessed us with vacation Bible school (one of their skits is pictured above), completed cleaning projects, handed out food in a poor community and spent a lot of time loving our children. On their last night, we all went out for pizza together. It was hard to see them go, but we are hopeful and excited at the thought of an ongoing relationship with Agape Christian Academy. Thank you for everything, Agape! We can’t wait for next year!