Fiestas Patronales de San Salvador (capital city of El Salvador) also known as Fiestas Agostinas are celebrated in honor of “Divino Salvador del Mundo”. They are named “Agostinas” as they take place in the month of August. These celebrations had a catholic beginning but with time they have become more of an embracement of each city’s culture. 

For the Catholic church these celebration’s main event takes place on August 5th, when a procession occurs from the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Church and ends in the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Salvador. The following day a mass takes place celebrating the transfiguration of Jesus. This main event takes place in the city of San Salvador and everyone is invited. 

For people who do not practice Catholicism, they celebrate these days by going to the fair, spending time with their family and attending festivals organized by the cities’ mayors. Some cities host folklore events where traditional food is served and traditional dancing can be seen. This celebration is considered a national holiday where schools are closed and people do not have to work.

Although this celebration started as a Catholic tradition, now it has become a celebration that shows who Salvadorans are. It’s a celebration that inspires people to appreciate their culture and embrace family time. This celebration calls for people to take  a break from daily life and celebrate Jesus transfiguration and enjoy time with each other.