I probably get asked three or four times a day by different kids “cuando voy a cumplir?”?? “When is it going to be my birthday?”?? The kids love their birthday.?? In a family of 28, having a special day just for you means a lot to them.?? We celebrate by having a little birthday party after dinner.?? They get a new toy and a new outfit.?? Every month we take out the kids who’ve had a birthday and they get to invite one guest to go with them.?? Usually the kids pick their siblings.?? This week we’ve celebrated four birthdays!?? Daniel turned four on Sunday and??Tuesday was Eliseo, Esau and Jacobo’s birthday (they don’t seem to mind sharing their special day).?? They each got their own cake and we sang happy birthday three times.?? Tia Ana, one of the care givers who has been with us for several years now, had the twins bedroom decorated with balloons when they got home from school.?? ?????? Kevin was in the hospital again for a few days because his hemoglobin was low.?? He is back at home now and is doing fine.?? Please keep his adoption in your prayers.?? In a few days Angie Gruss is coming down for several weeks.????Angie is an RN and we are so excited for her to come and work with Kevin.??
?????? Thanks again for all your love and support.?? If you ever want to send the children a birthday card or just a note to say hello, our mailing address is:
Ministerio Amor y Esperanza
P.O. Box #10 Correos de El Salvador Sucursal Galerias Escalon
2ndo Nivel
San Salvador, El Salvador